
Create, Develop and Deliver information, materials and curriculum which support education and training of students, educators, parents and professionals, as well as coaching of  innovation stewards.

Establish a growing and connected community of innovation stewards who are trained to  identify, assess and quantify on both a micro and macro level multi-disciplinary thematic challenges (i.e. sustainablity). This stewardship community will  work to solve challenges on local levels by deploying the KTB process of applying tangible experimental results to issues of significance. Solutions to these challenges can then be scaled to advance new opportunities. This process of connected community stewardship is referred to as the Carnot Cycle Collaboratorium (3C) methodology.
Design and host forums and summits which generate scalable innovation approaches to challenges while generating opportunities for our local, regional,national and international stewardship communities. Our forums and summits will explore 3C methodology and effective application through education  and training.

Foster opportunities for sustainable innovation commercialization which result from application of 3C methodologies.